My iPod learned how to fly this afternoon. Actually, it attempted to fly this afternoon. Some may argue that it was falling with style. I had just finished visiting teaching and was walking back up the stairs to the fourth floor. I had my iPod tucked inside my Book of Mormon. (I brought it with because it has the Ensign on it.) I stopped to talk to Jason, with the book leaning on top of the rail. Before I knew what was happening, my iPod slid out from where it was nestled between the pages, flew down the ramp and into the air, and came crashing to the ground. Needless to say, I was in shock. I stood there for what seemed forever. It wasn’t until Meeshell picked it up that I was brought back to consciousness. The screen of my iPod now has a spider web crack on the top one-third half of it. I nearly felt like crying. The biggest problem is that it is an iPod touch so none of the applications near the top of my pages can be accessed any longer. I have the worst luck when it comes to electronics. At least I could replace my camera. Apple isn’t available within Israel. Does anyone want to buy me a new iPod? You know you love me. Two months without an iPod is going to be horrid.
If the incident with my iPod wouldn’t have occurred, I would have had an amazing day. Sabbath is always one of the greatest days of the week. Nothing bad can happen…or so I thought! I really enjoyed church today. Two members of the branch from Ukraine shared their conversion stories along with their favorite scriptures. Their spirits were so sweet, so strong. I really enjoyed listening to them and reflecting on my own testimony of the gospel. I have been a member for my entire life so it is hard for me to remember that I, too, need to be continually converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I didn’t get my own testimony out of thin air. I had to obtain it on my own, just like these two member. We were privileged to have the great Brother Chadwick teach Sabbath school. He brought a bit of Harry Potter to church with him today, calling on Miss Granger and Miss Chang to say the opening and closing prayers. Rather than give the lesson of the ten virgins, he chose to teach scripture that is associated to it in Doctrine and Covenants 45. It dealt a lot with preparation for the coming of the Lord and our purpose in preparing for His coming. It was the perfect prelude to a lesson on missionary work in relief society. We all need to be missionaries! That’s what I learned. You don’t need to be on a full-time mission to be a missionary. Get out there and invite people to come unto Christ. Share your testimony with them and be an example. Don’t be afraid of being turned down. You aren’t asking the new girl in school on a date. You are sharing with them a love of your Savior, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.
The afternoon went fairly smoothly. I wrote a couple of letters and spent time with my roommates. I went visiting teaching with my roommate, Emily. It was fairly quiet….until my iPod flew, but I’ve already discussed this… I didn’t take a nap which I may be regretting, but I was able to get a lot of other things finished by not taking a nap.
Lizzie taught in seminary this evening. She did such an amazing job. She taught on the prophet Joseph Smith, his life, and his additions to the church. He did so much for this church. It was through him that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the keys of the Priesthood were restored to this earth. He saw God the Father and Jesus Christ when he was a fourteen year old boy. He translated the Book of Mormon by the hand of the Lord. It is through Joseph Smith that the gospel of Jesus Christ came into this dispensation of time. His faith, his trust, and his diligence in following the Lord is an example that we can all turn to and follow. He died for his belief in Jesus Christ; he died in faith. While we don’t necessarily need to be martyrs for our faith, we need to push forward and share the gospel. We need to be faithful and follow the Lord’s command in all things.
The evening ended with a delightful bout of night games. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to play to the fullness of my ability. This toe is really started to get on my nerves. It is feeling better, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s healed. I have a volleyball tournament tomorrow night. I am going to Petra in a couple of weeks. These activities are much more important than night games. Plus, I can play night games on Thursday night if I am still feeling up to it.
Jerusalem is amazing. I still have difficult believing that I am here, that I am living where Christ lived. But I am here. I am learning of Him and of His gospel.
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