Our Jordanian Journey came to a very quick end this morning. I was sad to see it go and yet very anxious to return to Jerusalem and take a shower and do absolutely nothing for an entire day. Jordan was a really fun trip to take, but I am very glad that it didn’t forever. The heat alone would have killed me sooner rather than later.
The morning began at the Roman Theater in the center of Ammon. It was another theater. I happily climbed to the top and listen to different people sing and speak in the “sweet spot”. It is amazing how these theaters were engineered to make sound travel from one point to an entire audience within a stadium. That technology has all but disappeared in the modern day; it would be much cheaper than sound equipment and microphones, though! From the theater, we took a walk through a shopping district in downtown Ammon. It was nothing out of the ordinary: vegetables, fruits, meats. My heart did break, however, when we passed an area of street selling chicks, ducklings, ducks, rabbits, turkeys, pheasants, etc. All of these animals were alive and stuck in overly crowded cages, waiting to be sold. I nearly started crying. I’m not ashamed to admit it. If I had enough money on me, I probably would have tried to purchase every single animal there, or at least all of the ones that looked healthy enough to survive. I wanted to free them, not eat them. It was heart breaking to see. I can’t help but remember the little ducks trying to hop out of the box that held them. What it must have felt like to be stuck in the box, not knowing what fate would bring. Or maybe they did know what was to occur…sigh. It was sad. They should do that in a more secret location. Not all of us are ruthless killers.
We quickly grabbed some KFC on our way to our next destination: the River Jordan. I have to admit that the KFC wasn’t very good. I picked at it and drank some Pepsi; I was rather disappointed as were most of the students. When we got to the Jordan River, Brother Muhlestein gave a short devotional on the baptism of Jesus Christ and gave us time to write in our journals. The lines from a Primary song came to my mind. “I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain, and ponder on the beauty of an Earth made clean again. I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain. I want to be the best I can and live with God again. I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away, and I can be forgiven and improve myself each day. I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain. I want to be the best I can and live with God again.” Sitting there, on the edge of the Jordan River was mind-blowing. 2,000 years ago, my Savior and Redeemer – my best friend – was baptized in these waters. He set an example to be baptized and to receive the blessings of the ordinance. Am I running to follow His example? Am I running to be in His embrace, to be with Him again? I was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday, September 27, 1998. I cannot remember all that was said or all that was sung, but I cannot forget my daddy’s hand reaching out to mine to lead me into the warm water; I cannot forget the words he spoke as so many had before; I cannot forget the warmth that descended upon me as he lifted me up out of the water or the smile that lit up the eyes of my mother. I, too, was baptized. I may not have been baptized in the same river as Jesus Christ, but I was baptized. I followed His example, and I will forever remember and honor that covenant that I made that day with my Father in Heaven, in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, my perfect example.
We got across the border easily enough. No questions were asked; no one was stopped by security. Our passports were stamped, we switched buses, and we were on our way back to Jerusalem. However, it took much longer than it was supposed to due to heavy traffic. And the bus was sweltering hot. Luckily, I had my Kindle and Hunger Games to finish. I finished the first book and began the second with little hesitation. I just could resist! We made it back to the center at about 4:40pm. I took a quick shower and began writing my blog posts…because I knew everyone would want to hear about my adventures as soon as possible! I spent the evening relaxing and reading for class tomorrow. Jordan was amazing. But I am happy to be back home in Jerusalem.
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