As Harry Potter evolved, so did new games. We played Harry Potter Says - our own version of Simon Says - and Shipwrecked. It was in the middle of Shipwrecked that the waves began picking up. It was at this point that we formed circles, putting our arms around each other, and spun; could anything have been more fun? As the waves crashed over us, we continued to spin...choking out water. I nearly drowned, but it was fun. Six o'clock came much too quickly for any of us, but then I looked at my arms. From my shoulders down, my skin felt tight and it was beginning to glow. With a sigh, I gathered my stuff and headed up to my bungalow for a hot shower, to slather my skin in aloe vera, and to sit in a cold, wet towel. My children are doomed to be lobsters. It doesn't matter how much sunscreen I put on or how often I put it on; I will end up with a sunburn.
Dinner was fun, but it was after dinner that things really got going. A short Family Home Evening was held among ten to fifteen of us, and then we dispersed to do our own thing. I spent some time on the beach reading my scriptures, but I ended up near a random bungalow talking to Jenessa for most of the evening. It was nice talking to her and sharing things with her that I don't openly talk about with most people. This study abroad has really given me an opportunity to open up and meet new people; it came at the perfect time in my life. With friends getting married and going on missions, I was really worried about the fall semester, but now I have nothing to fear. It has always been harder for me to have girlfriends. Boys, no problem, but girls are tricky. So it has been great to have a few girls that I have been able to get close to and rely on these past few months. It will be fun when we get back to school and can spend time together in different settings!
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