Monday, August 8, 2011

05 August 2011

When I woke up this morning, I had zero desire to get out of bed, to eat breakfast, to shower…to do anything. I groggily dragged myself out of bed, pulled on some sweats, and headed up to the Oasis to grab something to eat. This was at 7:35a in the morning. I grabbed two pieces of watermelon, sat down at a table, and wordlessly at it. I finished at 7:45a in the morning. After putting my dishes into the dish return, I walked back down to my room, took off my sweats, and went back to bed. When I woke back up, I looked at my iPod. It was now ten o’clock in the morning. Nothing felt better than extending my sleep for a couple of hours. After staying up late and waking up early for over three months straight, I guess I was in need of some sleep. That three hour nap the other day didn’t do much for me, apparently!

When I finally dragged myself out of bed, I pulled my sweats back on and went upstairs to the study room. For the next two hours, I sat in a study room and talked to Kymberly as she studied for our New Testament exam. It was a delight! Once noon o’clock rolled around, we went into the Oasis to enjoy our last lunch of cold-cuts at the Jerusalem Center.¡Que lastima! It is so strange to think that we only have a week left in Jerusalem. Our time here has gone by so quickly. I can only imagine how quickly this next week is going to go by. Although…maybe it will be similar to our first week here and feel like seven months rather than seven days! I can’t decide if that would be a good thing or not… After lunch, I decided I should think about studying, especially since the exam would be starting in fifteen minute! I quickly read through my notes and decided it was good! The test wasn’t too bad. The hardest part was remembering what scripture passage came from which Gospel – Matthew or John. And, guess what? My grade was above the class average. Whoever said you have to study for finals is crazy! I like my way so much better.

I can’t say I did much this afternoon…mainly, I just sat around talking and reading. It was fairly relaxing. As soon as dinner was over, we all met at the lower gate to go to the Western Wall for one more Friday night of welcoming Shabbat! The Western Wall is great every day of the week, but it is the best on Friday nights. The square is flooded with people; there is dancing; there is singing. However, besides the festivities, it is also a special and spiritual experience to pray at the wall, to be among the Jewish people at one of their most holy sites. We didn’t have very much time at the wall, but what time we did have was well spent. After slipping my own prayer into the wall, I met back with a few girls to take in the moment, to memorize the faces of the passing people, to remember Jerusalem in this way. Our time to leave came far too soon, but I hope to return someday to pray at wall, to walk where my Savior walked.

Back at the J.C., a dance party was planned. However, and this may come to a shock to you, I am not the biggest fan of dance parties. Sure, I love dancing, but dance parties aren’t my scene! I would much rather go salsa dancing or something similar. So, I ended up in the Student Lounge with quite a few other people watching My Best Friend’s Wedding. I don’t know why I watch that movie; it has the worst ending ever! Haha but what can you do? I am a sucker for romantic comedies; I am a girl after all. Plus, it was the perfect way to unwind after today.

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